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America in Fiction

The projects presented here explain and explore the significance of American culture encountered in ficitonal representations (novels, poems, series, films, etc.) of the USA.


Students have chosen a wide range of fictional texts, or aspect related to those texts, and explored uniquely American aspects of these. 


These projects were completed in winter term 2021/22 in the seminar Lang 901 Advanced North American Cultural Studies at Trier University. 


Two Types of Desparate Women: Maid vs. Desperate Housewives


American Presidents in the Olympus Has Fallen Trilogy


Screen Adaptations and Fan Responses: Wheel of Time & Elementary


Censorship and Ratings: Germany and the USA Compared


Breaking Bad


Forrest Gump


America Reflected in Dystopian Literature


Barenaked Ladies - "One Week": What Are They Even Singing About? (an example project)

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